
Ken Pike’s construction career began back when Architects and
Engineers provided fully detailed documents and actively directed the building
process. He saw the industry evolve into the design-build approach wherein A/E
plans are more conceptual, shop drawings are used to fill in the details, and
the General Contractor carries the Quality burden, thus creating increased
likelihood of disputes.
Ken’s father was a member and shop steward of the United Packinghouse Workers
union, which brought discussions of labor/management disputes to the family
dinner table each day. A decade later Ken came into construction at the very
bottom, working as a common laborer and member of the AFL-CIO union local. A bit
more than a decade after that he found himself on the other side of the fence,
managing a business that employed members of his former Laborers Union, and
negotiating with their Steward and Business Agent. This unique “in-the-trenches”
perspective helps him to see that there are two sides to every disagreement, and
that a solution usually lies somewhere in between.
His experience as a laborer aroused his curiosity about how steel beams and
concrete footings were designed, and that led him to Purdue University and a
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. In 1965 he became a Junior Civil
Engineer with the Bridge Division of the California Highway Department working
on construction inspection and bridge design. His next step was working as
Office Engineer for the general contractor on the Ohio River Uniontown Locks
Project. At the end of that project he became a Field Engineer for the Midwest
Region of the Portland Cement Association, providing technical support to
concrete designers and users.
When PCA was downsized he went to work for a small precast concrete company in
western Kentucky as the Chief Engineer and, eventually, General Manager. This
began a 35 year career in the precast business that led him from Kentucky to
North Carolina, and to experiences as an engineer, operations manager, salesman,
marketer, and project manager. As he matured in this business he was the one
that builders and designers turned to for guidance on how to use precast systems
in their projects. He was also the one they called on when they were not
satisfied with some aspect of the agreement or the performance provided by his
That experience in the precast business kept him deeply involved in negotiating
contracts and in working out disagreements before they became lawsuits. By his
retirement in January 2006 he was already enamored with the ADR process and so
he set about taking the class work and the mediation observations required by
North Carolina statutes so that he could become a non-attorney Certified
Superior Court Mediator. That title was conferred in July 2006.
He is also co-founder of a business, Sunbelt Consulting Group, LLC, which was
formed to provide ADR services and Property/Casualty Insurance Claims services.
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Purdue
University, January 1965.
Thirty five years of Continuing Education courses on a variety of
engineering and construction related topics.
Completed the six hour
course on the North Carolina Courts system (March 2006) that is required of
non-attorney candidates for certification as Superior Court Mediator.
Completed the forty
hour Mediation Training course (May 2006) required of all candidates for
certification as North Carolina Superior Court Mediators.
Completed the five
observations of Court Ordered Mediations (July 2006) required of all
non-attorney candidates for certification as North Carolina Superior Court
Received certification
as a North Carolina Superior Court Mediator in July 2006.
Received original
Professional Engineering license in Indiana in 1970. After moving to North
Carolina that license was retired.
Received North Carolina
Professional Engineer license in 1989.
Member of the National
Society of Professional Engineers.
Member of the North
Carolina Society of Professional Engineers.
Member of the Marketing
Committee for the Prestressed Concrete Institute.
Served in the US Army
and Army Reserve. Honorably discharged in 1963 at rank of Staff Sergeant
Certified Adult
Literacy Tutor for the Brunswick Literacy Council.
Member of the US
Volunteers – a veterans group that performs Final Military Honors at
funerals of deceased veterans.
President of the
Triangle Calligraphers Guild, 1998 to 2003
Vice President of the
Carolina Lettering Arts Society, 1999 to 2004