
- Green Panel Member
For over forty years, Ed
Carr has been involved in the construction industry in a wide variety of roles
all of which have been linked to the technical performance of materials and a
clear understanding of the physics impacting their installed performance in
buildings. With bachelors degrees in math and physics, Ed began his career in
sales and materials distribution with Armstrong World Industries in its
Insulation and Industry Products Division. His responsibilities included the
engineering and specification development required to get Armstrong insulation
products specified and ultimately installed in large commercial buildings
including airports, power plants, food processing and storage, high rise office
and residential buildings, and spacecraft in the Apollo projects.
Through these exposures, Ed learned early in his career the skills required to
balance the interests of building owners, contractors, subcontractors, organized
work forces, and code compliance interests early in his career.
Ed advanced through a variety of management positions including advertising and
promotion, market research and new product launch which included the full
development of business plans for new products and new businesses.
To satisfy an entrepreneurial spirit that was developing, Ed became involved in
the ownership and management of a paint distribution and manufacturing company,
and later a glass and architectural metals fabrication and erection company.
In both these companies, Eds focus on the clear understanding of the technical
performance of all products and their proper specifications and installation
provided the basis for company growth. Coupled with improving business
management skills, corporate annual growth exceeded industry averages by two
hundred percent (200%) to four hundred percent (400%).
Tiring of managing hundreds of employees, Ed sold his interests in 1985. Always
having been interested in energy, insulation, and building performance, Ed
started EIC, Inc. in 1985 with a thrust toward better understanding the
performance of single and multi-family buildings.
In 1985, armed with blower doors, infrared inspection equipment, and HVAC
testing equipment, Ed undertook the challenge to identify the factors
influencing the wide discrepancies in energy usage between similar buildings.
In conjunction with Princeton University, Ed began to identify wide variations
in the air tightness of identical buildings and later homes. Having been exposed
to air balancing in commercial buildings, Ed attempted to apply these techniques
to residential buildings.
His work on HVAC ductwork tightness in 1987-1989 was the genesis of the
awareness to the energy efficiency impacts that ductwork can have on residential
buildings. This work spawned the development of residential ductwork tightness
standards and testing protocols.
Today, Eds companies provide a wide variety of engineering and risk management
services for utilities, builders, state energy offices, property management
companies, developers, and building materials suppliers. They provide services
in PA, DE, MD, VA, WV, NJ, NC, TX, GA and SC. The company has certified over
120,000 high performance homes, completed retrofits on over 6,000 apartments,
and provided weatherization services to more than 3000 homes.
Ed has been involved in land acquisition, residential development and building
in North Carolina.
Ed has completed expert witness work in the areas of energy efficiency, HVAC
system performance, moisture penetration, and building materials performance
Ed has been married for 37 years and greatly enjoys his three daughters and five
Through his work experience, Ed has been an involved party to the Dispute
Resolution Process. His understanding of codes, construction, materials and
building performance provide an excellent background to carefully and accurately
identify the main issues in most Dispute Resolution Proceedings. This
background, combined with his understanding of the sensitivities of all
participants, provides a strong basis for the quick, fair, and equitable
resolution of all disputes.
Mr. Carr is a nationally recognized leader in energy efficiency and
sustainability in residential construction. He has been involved in energy
policy for over fifteen years on the national and state level. Ed has been
involved in the standards development and evaluation of Green Technologies for
applicability and overall benefit to builders and homeowners from a risk
management perspective.
He has built homes in environmentally sensitive areas dealing with coastal
management authorities, local jurisdictions, and the Army Corp of Engineers on
the delineation of isolated wetlands and their integration into overall
development practices.
He has and continues to work on Green Projects and standards in Pennsylvania,
North Carolina and Georgia.
Millersville University 1965, Bachelors Math and Physics
Temple University 1966 Masters work in Thesis Development
Drexel University 1972 1973 Organic Chemistry and the Rheology of Applied
Advanced Management Certification 1980 National Association of Glass Dealers
Temple University 1986 1987 Certification for Asbestos Remediation Project
Contracting, Clearance, and Project Supervision,
Construction Dispute Resolution Services 2007 Mediation, Arbitration,
Advanced Dispute Resolution
NAHB Graduate Builders Institute Graduate Builder - 1990
Technical Marketing Representative - Armstrong World Industries
Advertising, Promotion, Market Development Armstrong World Industries
General Manager Lancaster Paint and Glass Company
Executive Vice President Zephyr Aluminum Company
Executive Vice President Technical Powder Coatings, Inc.
Owner C&G Property Management
Owner Energy Information Center, Inc. (EIC, Inc.)
Owner Comfort Home Corporation of Pennsylvania
Owner Comfort Home Corporation of Virginia
Owner Comfort Home Corporation of Georgia
Owner 1442 Building and Development, LLC
Member National Association of Homebuilder
Member Energy Subcommittee of Construction Codes and Standards, NAHB
Member ASTM
Founding Director Pennsylvania Housing Research Center at Penn State
Board Member 20 Years Pennsylvania Housing Research Center at Penn State
Pennsylvania Governors Energy Council Award of Merit 1994, 1997
NAHB Energy Housing Value Award Program of the Year, 1997
NAHB Voluntary Energy Program Accreditation 1996
Secretary of Energy- US DOE, Performance Award 2001
Evaluator, Solar Decathlon, Washington DC 2004
US EPA Energy Star Homes Performance Award 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Habitat for Humanity Service Award 2005, 2006
Chairman of the Board Lancaster County Humane Society
Board Member Boys and Girls Club of Lancaster
Vestry Member St. Thomas Episcopal Church