
- Five years experience in complex litigation, including construction law, suretyship, performance bonds, commercial law
- High-level experience in state and federal court system
- History of active professional and community leadership
LITIGATION: Attorney/ Litigator. Handled litigation caseloads involving construction law, performance and fidelity bonds, professional liability, director and officer liability, commercial law, contracts, insurance defense, administrative law, and employment law.
JUDICIAL: Law Clerk, United States Courts, Western District of Oklahoma; Judicial Assistant, Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals. Assisted with trials and management of federal court docket. Prepared jury instructions and orders. Assisted appellate judges in management of appeals and hearings. Researched and wrote draft opinions
LEGISLATIVE MANAGEMENT AND POLICY: Director of Committee Staff, Oklahoma State Senate. Managed Committee Staff Division. Served as liaison between senators and staff. Analyzed, researched, and drafted significant legislation. Facilitated problem solving with state agencies. Advised state agencies and resolved issues related to interpretation of legislation. Assisted constituents. Investigated and resolved constituent issues with state agencies. Handled press inquiries.
EXECUTIVE: Governor Henry Bellmon, Assistant General Counsel. Advised Governor on legislation, agency rules, and parole recommendations. Collaborated with legislators and agency heads to develop and implement policies. Assisted constituents. Investigated and resolved constituent issues with state agencies. Served as liaison to municipal and county governments.
SOCIAL SERVICES: Oklahoma Department of Human Services. Implemented juvenile intake, probation and parole program in Woodward County. Supervised youth counselors in juvenile justice program in northwest Oklahoma. Implemented advocate defender program at Boley State School for Boys. Managed development of juvenile intensive treatment center program.
FAMILY BUSINESSES: Advisor. Researched and advised family construction/inspection and farming operations on issues related to elder law, asset protection and transfer, agriculture policies, employment issues, contracts, and customer relations.
- “Laws and Sausages” (Oklahoma Bar Association Continuing Legal Education seminar on legislative process) - program planner, moderator, and presenter
- Oklahoma Bar Association Law Related Education Committee
- Lawyers in the Classroom - presenter
- National Town Meeting on the Courts, sponsored by National Center for State Courts, Norfolk, Virginia - panelist
- Work place issues symposium featuring U.S. Labor Secretary, governor, and legislative leaders - coordinator and moderator
- “Pageville” Mock Legislature Program for Senate and House pages - developer and director
- “The Legislative Process” and “Researching Statutory Law” segments for CLE seminar - author
- “Cooperation: Key to Effectuation of the Indian Child Welfare Act” published in American Indian Law Review - author
Community - Current
- Commissioner, Oklahoma City Historic Preservation Commission (Mayoral appointment)
- Chair, University of Science and Arts Foundation Board of Directors
- Board of Directors, – OKC Housing Services Redevelopment Corporation ( Positively Paseo)
- Board of Directors – Harding Fine Arts Academy (Charter School)
Community - Previous
- President, American Association of University Women (State of Oklahoma Division)
- President, First Unitarian Church
- President, Putnam Heights Preservation Area, Inc. (neighborhood association); during this tenure, the association:
- Worked with City leaders to initiate and complete $100K historic street lighting project
- Founded Putnam Heights Partners in Education in collaboration with Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation
- Wrote and implemented federal, city and foundation grants for neighborhood improvements
- Board of Directors, Oklahoma City/County Historical Society
- Board of Directors, Neighborhood Alliance, Inc.
- Chaired Neighborhood Leaders for Tomorrow training
- Board of Directors, Oklahoma County League of Women Voters
- Advisory Committee, Augusta Metcalfe Museum, Durham, Oklahoma
- Advisory Committee, Governor’s Commission on the Status of Women
- Facilitator and Steering Committee for Democracy Today projects
- Coordinator, moderator, and speaker for numerous seminars related to leadership, citizen involvement, and organization management
- University of Oklahoma, College of Law, Juris Doctor
- Cameron University, Bachelor of Arts (Mathematics/Economics)
- Oklahoma Bar Association License
- Legislative Staff Management Institute, University of Minnesota
- Extensive training in leadership, management, legislative process, and public policy
- Saint Paul School of Theology, Oklahoma City University, M. Div. courses