
I have been in the construction industry most of my life. I have taken, & taught many classes in Lead based paint, Ducts inside the Building Envelop, Building Net Zero homes, Sales and Marketing, Construction lien law, and Code updates for both the state of Washington and the state of Oregon. The code cycle in Washington State is updates every cycle with the ICC along with additional codes required by the state of Washington. I have taken many classes in the Energy code updates and requirements. Oregon State requires all license holders to take continuing education every two years. I was in charge of offering these classes for my builders and making sure all requirements were meet for the State of Oregon Construction Contactor’s board.
I am very well verse in my product knowledge having to deal with lumber, siding, windows and mill work items on the daily. As the codes are updated so are the needs of building products to meet these requirements.
I am very involved in my local, state and national home builders associations. I sit on a National Homes Builders Association (NAHB) State and Local Government Affairs committee and lobby both at the State Capital and the National Capital to keep housing affordable for everyone. My involvement in the HBA helps me keep my education in the industry fresh and new as I have the opportunity to be involved in all the educational classes they offer.
Below is my resume with further details of some of my experiences and knowledge base in the building industry.
1997-1999 Southwestern Community College Coos Bay, Oregon
Associate’s of Science
2000--2002 Oregon State University Corvallis Oregon Campus
Associate’s of Arts
2013 to Present Columbia Basin Community College Pasco WA
- Human Anatomy and Physiology
Soroptimist International of CB & PK- 2000 to present- A women and children’s service organization that raises money for scholarships.
City of Kennewick Diversity Commission- 2016 to present- Appointed by the Mayor of Kennewick to serve the city.
CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) Volunteer for Benton/Franklin- 2013 to present
American Cancer Society Hood To Coast Relay- Current Fundraising Chairperson- The Hood to Coast is a 200 mile/12 person relay race
Tri City Lumber Co.
- My major responsibilities are daily bookkeeping of 50 different vendors which the store carries their product line. Bank deposits and reconciliation of the records for the business. Collections of past due accounts, which can entail lien filing and small claim lawsuit filing
- Purchasing; lumber, engineered wood products, hangers, and all millwork products related.
- Customer relations with owner builders , working with owner builders to make sure they are aware of all aspects of building your own home, from bank draws to energy code and needed products to meet the county standards.
- Management of the Human Resource files for all 13 employees, including needed training, safety logs and employee reviews. Handbook review and revise, safety plan administration, and working with Labor and Industries to maintain compliance.
- IT support and maintenance of the store Point of Sale System as well the bookkeeping system
- When needed rewrite of policies and procedures including but not limited to credit terms, return policy, and employee job descriptions
Director of Government Affairs/Communication/ Coordinator of Built Green Program/Membership
The Home Builders Association of Tri Cities
I sat on the State of Washington’s Built Green Committee who dictates the checklist for all builders who are participate in the program, representing the interest of Eastern Washington builders who had different environmental issues than the West side of the state. I was responsible for the integrity of the program for both home owners and the builders who built to this standard.
- Local, State and Federal Government affairs, Speaking for and lobby on behalf of the 625 members of the association. Issues involving, but not limited to impact fees, building permits, and all small business concerns.
- All communications for the HBA including press releases, TV interviews, newspaper articles, newsletter articles, letters to the editor, marketing the HBA at chamber events, Soroptimist, Washington Policy Center. all HBA events, which include: Home Shows, elected leaders, energy day in Olympia, and any other commitments made by the board.
- Built Green Program manager, promoter and facilitator. I posses the knowledge to know which local subdivisions that will need builders who are certified to build to the higher green standards, working with builders to make sure the Built Green Washington checklist worked for their projects. I promote the program in the media as well as the marketing of the program. The program was hugely successful, with 14 builders participating and 17 local associates.
- Events for the association include the Fall Home Show coordinator and co-coordinator for the Regional Home & Garden Show, fundraising coordinator for the Parade of Homes™ and assistant in all other events.
- Membership director, I am the lead staff for the membership committee. I have a 84.6% retention rate, and I work to make sure members were served and have HBA contact at least twice a year.
Executive Officer The Home Builders Association of Southwestern Oregon
- Complete administration of the association. Which includes; bookkeeping (QuickBooks software), daily monitoring of the website, editor in chief of the newsletter, scheduling of all meetings, continuing education classes, establishing a relationship with the community college to help promote the classes and finding instructors.
- Provided coaching to the board about current laws, by-laws changes and needed policies. Reviewing all necessary data to be able to do so.
- Daily operations of a very dynamic association, maintained lobbying efforts, and kept the association current with all IRS and State law changes. Attend all national and state meetings on behalf of the association, including annual Washington DC trip.
- Promoter, manager, and organizer of all Association events such as: Home & Garden show, golf tournament, trap shoot, general meetings, and association members.
- Marketing manager: community involvement, advertising director, and promoter. I did my entire marketing base on target markets and with tracking of success of the campaign. Radio, newspaper, TV and newsletters and all ranges of media.
Customer service representative: maintaining a high level of customer service for all association members, home show vendors and the board, I received and dealt with all complainants and worked to make sure everyone was happy with the end result. My annual retention rate was 87.6%