B.A., University of Central Oklahoma, Political Science/double minor in Management and Marketing
Ph.D., LaSalle University, Finance
A.A., Oklahoma State University, Construction with emphasis in Building Inspections
Owner, A to Z Inspections, Oklahoma City
Oklahoma-Licensed Home Inspector since 2002 (Lic. No. 255)
Oklahoma Board of Private & Vocational Schools (Governor’s Appointee)
HUD-Certified Inspector (Id# H387) and 203(K) Consultant
InterNACHI/Oklahoma, founding board member
ORCIA (Oklahoma Residential & Commercial Inspection Association), President 2008 and 2013
First “Master Inspector” designated by ORCIA
Completed over 3,000 building inspections personally, Company (A to Z) completed over 10,000
NAHB (National Association of Home Builders) Master Instructor, Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS) and Universal Design (UD) Designation
OSHBA (Oklahoma State Home Builders Association), Remodelers Council Founder
Oklahoma Professional Women in Building (Member of the Year 2011)
Commercial Real Estate Summit, Founding Member
Daily Living Centers (Adult Day Care), Board of Directors
Oklahoma Independent Living Resources, Founder and Provider of Aging in Place Services
Harry Reid Center, University of Nevada at Las Vegas, EPA Lead-based Paint Certifications
Property Condition Assessment Certification
Numerous certifications in building and construction areas
Oklahoma State University Renewable & Sustainable Energy Advisory Committee
Columnist, City Sentinel, “Your Property A to Z”
John Hancock Insurance Company, Agent and Broker, 25 years
Real Estate Investor (Remodeled over 40 older homes)
Author: Naked Real Estate (co-author), Commercial Building & Residential Inspections from A to Z, Your Pool A to Z, and Commercial Building & Residential Inspections from A to Z Coloring Book
Oklahoma Aging Advocacy Leadership Academy (Class of 2015)
Assistant District Governor, Rotary
South Oklahoma City Rotary, Past President, Paul Harris Fellow
Oklahoma City Housing Authority, Former Commissioner
South Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, Past President
NAHB CAPS and UD certified courses (NAHB Master Instructor)
Home Inspection Licensing Course and Continuing Education
Weatherization and Energy Efficiency Courses and Seminars
EPA Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (EPA-certified instructor and provider)
Economics, Oklahoma City Community College
United States Army, December 1, 1966 – December 1, 1970; Russian linguist, 4th Infantry Division, K Co., 75th Airborne Rangers, two tours in Vietnam.