Mr. Nylund’s experience includes over 30 years in the residential construction industry, as well as seventeen years with The State Of New Jersey in the Bureau of Homeowner Protection. In 2000, he taught construction skills to Incarcerated youth and a Basic Home Maintenance class for Homeowners at Atlantic County Vocational School.
In 2002, he began his career with the State of New Jersey New Home Warranty Program as a Claims Analyst. His responsibilities included:
- Mediating disputes between builder and homeowner.
- Inspecting the quality of builder repairs when required.
- Overseeing contractor repairs for homeowner when the original builder fails to make repairs.
- Inspect new homes prior to the issuance of the State warranty
Currently working as an independent Arbitrator for the State Of New Jersey New Home Warranty Program
Uniform Construction Code Inspector licenses held:
Highrise Hazardous Specialist Building Inspector for class I, II and III buildings
Highrise Hazardous Specialist Plumbing Inspector for class I II and III buildings
Industrial and Commercial Specialist Fire Protection inspector for class I and II buildings
Inspector of Hotels and Multiple Dwellings
Uniform Construction Code Administrative Licenses:
Construction Official
Subcode Official
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration from Rutgers University
Numerous continuing education seminars necessary to maintain the above Licenses.