
Mr. Prindle is a registered
civil and geotechnical engineer with over 30 years of professional experience,
specializing in civil, geotechnical and environmental engineering. His current
practice focuses on forensic geotechnical engineering, including the
investigation and evaluation of unstable building foundations and earth
structures, and design of repair plans to rehabilitate distressed structures.
Mr. Prindle is a graduate of Loyola Marymount University and the California
Institute of Technology.
Mr. Prindle has served as a technical expert in mediation, arbitration and
litigation on behalf of owners, contractors, developers, and insurers. He has
the ability and experience to work effectively on a wide range of construction,
technical, regulatory and management issues. His professional activities
routinely involve compliance with an array of contractual and regulatory
requirements and interacting with numerous parties. He is effective in
communicating, both orally and in writing, with a variety of audiences that have
diverse information needs and often have conflicting interests. Mr. Prindle has
worked effectively with several of New Mexico’s Native American tribal
Mr. Prindle works to create a clear understanding of the problems to be solved,
to establish well-defined design and performance requirements for proposed
solutions, to ensure that assumptions used in analysis and design are compatible
with actual operating and field performance conditions, and to ensure that
proposed solutions are complete and workable.
Mr. Prindle’s engineering and construction experience includes power plant,
highway, industrial, and commercial structures, landfills, offshore pipelines,
retaining walls, high cut slopes, and deep excavations. Experience with distress
in residential structures includes over 30 individual homes and four residential
developments. Additional construction related experience includes changed soil
conditions, construction stormwater management, dewatering, and management of
contamination discovered during construction.
Mr. Prindle’s technical experience includes geotechnical and hydrogeologic site
characterization; investigation and rehabilitation of distressed foundations and
earth structures; construction inspection; assessment of cut/fill slopes and
deep excavations; construction-site stormwater management; landfill design,
construction and closure; groundwater flow and contaminant transport; facility
waste management and regulatory compliance; end-user risk assessments of
hazardous waste management and disposal facilities; application of
remote-monitoring and autonomous-control systems.
In addition to his technical expertise, Mr. Prindle also has considerable
management experience. While serving as an executive officer in two companies
and as a principal in his own company, Mr. Prindle has gained valuable
experience in managing day-to-day business operations including developing and
adhering to project budgets and schedules, coordinating and facilitating the
work of both technical and non-technical support staff, working with
subcontractors, and building and maintaining relationships and open
communications with his clients.
Fields of Expertise
Geotechnical, Environmental and Forensic Engineering; Geotechnical and
Hydrogeologic Site Characterization; Slope Stability and Deep Excavations; Storm
Water Management; Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport; Regulatory
Compliance; Litigation Support; Applied Instrumentation and Monitoring.
M.S. Civil Engineering,
California Institute of Technology, 1975
Areas of emphasis: geotechnical engineering, structural mechanics, dynamics and
B.S. Civil Engineering, Loyola University of Los Angeles, 1974, Summa cum Laude
Areas of emphasis: steel and reinforced concrete structures, surface-water
hydrology, water and wastewater engineering.
Registered Professional
Civil Engineer: Arizona, California, and New Mexico
Registered Geotechnical Engineer: California
40-Hour Hazardous Waste Site Operations Training
8-Hour Hazardous Waste Site Operations Supervisor/Manager Training
University of New Mexico Law
School: Theory and Practice of Mediation. Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2008.
Construction Dispute Resolution Services: Arbitrator Training. Albuquerque, New
Mexico. 2008.
Construction Dispute Resolution Services: Dispute Review Board Training.
Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2008.
Construction Dispute Resolution Services: Advanced Alternative Dispute
Resolution (ADR) Training. Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2008.
Conflict management: 12 years experience as a soccer referee with United States
Soccer Federation (USSF) and the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO);
youth, adult, high school, and tournament matches.
Prindle Engineering, Inc.,
Albuquerque, New Mexico
1997 – Present President and
Principal Engineer
Gordon Environmental, Inc., Bernalillo, New Mexico
2006 – 2008 Senior Engineer
Eberline Services, Inc., Los Alamos, New Mexico
2005 – 2006 Environmental Engineer
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc., Albuquerque, New Mexico
2000 – 2003 Senior Engineer
SVS Environmental Systems, Inc., Albuquerque, New Mexico
1996 Vice President
1996 – 1997 Executive Vice President
Prindle-Hinds Environmental, Inc., Albuquerque, New Mexico
1990 – 1996 President and Principal
Deuel & Associates, Inc., Albuquerque, New Mexico
1990 – 1994 President and Principal
1989 – 1990 Vice President,
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico
1980 – 1989 Member of the Technical
Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Santa Ana, California
1979 – 1980 Senior Staff Engineer
1978 – 1979 Staff Engineer
Fugro, Inc. Long Beach, California
1976 – 1978 Staff Engineer
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
1974 – 1975 Summers: Student Engineer
County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
1973 – 1974 Engineering Aide