
John H. Hooker, Architect,
providing professional project planning, design and management services for
building and urban design work, including public outreach and communication,
2009 – present.
Projects include: Laguna
Pueblo Utility Authority Warehouse and Offices DD drawings;, Laguna, NM;
PR Leyva Middle School Restrooms and HC Accessibility Upgrades CD drawings,
Carlsbad, NM ;
Additions and Alterations, Brian Urlacher Indoor Practice Fields, Lovington, NM;
DATA Charter High School, Analysis and Master Facilities Plan, Albuquerque, NM
Director of Capital Projects and Strategic Planning, New Mexico
State Fair, 2005 –2009
Responsible for planning and managing capital projects at the New Mexico State
Projects include: site lighting projects, expansion of Ethernet network across
Fairgrounds, replacement of water mains and meters across Fairgrounds,
installation of fire protection systems in all major buildings, renovations of
historic Palomino Barn, renovations of historic Fine Arts Gallery including
windows, lighting and HVAC systems, construction of African American Performing
Arts Center, repairs and updates to Tingley Coliseum building automation and
security systems, renovations of Spanish Village, renovations of Indian Village,
code compliance for commercial kitchens across Fairgrounds.
Senior Architect, Huitt-Zollars, Inc., Albuquerque,
2003 – 2004.
Responsible for business development and small project management. Projects
include programming and schematic design for adaptive re-use of Hangar 1000 for
new aircraft maintenance training program.
Mayor, Village of Los Ranchos de Albuquerque,
2001 - 2004.
Chief elected official of rural-residential village north of Albuquerque, NM.
Pop. 5,500+. Annual budget approximately $1.7M, staff of 18, including fire
Chair, Board of Directors,
Mid-Region Council of Governments (MRCOG), 2003- 2004
Vice chair, Board of Directors,
MRCOG, 2002-2003
Vice chair, Metropolitan Transportation Board
of the MRCOG, 2002-2003
Member, Water Resources Board
of the MRCOG, 2002-2004
Principal, Hooker & Hooker, Architects,
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, 1993 – 2003.
Managing partner with Kim Hooker in architectural practice, specializing in
institutional and residential design and project management services. Work
included contract services to NELCO for construction management of $7.5M New
Mexico Cancer Center, and for New Mexico MainStreet program.
Vice President, Hooker & Hooker, Inc.,
a real estate planning and development company. Managed development and
construction of La Plaza de la Huerta, a unique, award-winning, $3M, 18-unit
luxury townhouse development and orchard plaza in the Village of Los Ranchos de
Albuquerque. Work included contract administration and construction management
services with general contractor.
John H. Hooker, Contractor,
1998 - 2004.
Providing general construction, project and program planning, scheduling and
management services. Representing Wedgcor Steel Buildings in central New Mexico.
Radio talk show host, writer and producer,
Building New Mexico, CityTalk KBTK 1310, Albuquerque, 2000. Produced twenty,
weekly, hour-long, interview programs focused on the people who plan, design and
build Albuquerque and New Mexico. Topics included architecture, construction,
finance, the building trades, economic development, city and regional planning,
housing and transportation.
Project Architect, Mahlman & Miles, Architects,
Albuquerque, 1998 – 1999
Project Architect for $7M ˇExplora! Science Center and Children’s Museum,
Albuquerque, NM.
Construction Services Manager;
Presbyterian Healthcare Services, 1994 - 1997.
Contracted and managed architectural and construction services for statewide,
non-profit, integrated healthcare corporation. Work included creating standards
for contracts, specifications; developing project budgets and schedules,
presenting project proposals to administration. Directly managed: $2M new
construction of 24,000 SF San Mateo Presbyterian Family Healthcare Center, 1995.
Real Estate Department managed over $10M in more than 40 capital facilities
projects in 1996.
Assistant Construction Project Manager;
Bradbury Stamm Construction, 1992 - 1994.
Projects include Onate High School, Las Cruces Public Schools and Starfire
Telescope Observatory, Philips Laboratory.
Monthly column, The Albuquerque Tribune, Scripps Howard daily newspaper,
Albuquerque, NM on topics related to architecture, community and urban
design, including:
“Idea makes fairgrounds neighborly” 10/99
- “Time to get
onboard for a better future” 12/00
- “Building
communities of fear” 12/99
- “Schools are the
centers of our community” 2/01
- “Society pays
for ‘free’ parking” 5/00
- “We need to
protect our local farms” 11/02
“APS schools: New is better, but old is reality” 6/00
- “Healing the
world through creation” 12/02
Other opinion pieces: “Juggling tax reforms” 2/11/02, The Albuquerque
“Whoa, Wal-Mart,” The Albuquerque Tribune, 3/04
Innovation in zoning,
2003, American Planning Association, New Mexico Chapter – for new zoning
code for Village of Los Ranchos de Albuquerque.
Public communication,
2002, American Planning Association, New Mexico Chapter – for monthly
column in The Albuquerque Tribune.
Bicycle Coalition of New Mexico, Member, Board of Directors, 2012 –
Conservation Voters of New Mexico, 501(c) 4 outreach, Treasurer, Board
of Directors, 2005 – 2009.
President, Albuquerque Council for International Visitors, 2004-2005.
Alumni Assn., School of Architecture and Planning Chapter, Founding
President, UNM, 2001-2003.
National League of Cities, member, 2002 – 2004.
New Mexico Municipal League, member, 2001 – 2004.
American Institute of Architects, President, Albuquerque Chapter, 1999;
member, 1991 – present.
Congress for the New Urbanism, member, August 1999 - present.
Quality New Mexico Awards, Examiner, 1997.
Parks and Open Space Coalition, Treasurer, Dec. 1996- Mar. 1997 (for
successful tax referendum campaign)
Middle Rio Grande Water Assembly, Member & Speaker, 2001 - present,
volunteer planning organization for the Middle Rio Grande Regional Water
Plan, accepted by the Interstate Stream Commission, 2004.
Master of Architecture 1986 and Master of Science in
Civil Engineering, 1989
School of Architecture and Planning and College of Engineering,
University of New Mexico, Alb., NM