
For over forty years
Howard A. Feldman has been responsible for claims prevention, mitigation and
resolution services that are provided to owners, contractors, subcontractors,
architects, engineers and the insurance and legal communities, worldwide. As a
consultant, former trial and corporate counsel, he has extensive experience in
the evaluation and resolution of claims in the ADR continuum.
A primary focus of Howard Feldman’s engineering and construction consulting work
in the last 15 years has been the prevention, mitigation and resolution of
engineering and construction claims. He assists in controlling and reducing the
significant risks inherent in design, engineering, procurement and construction
by utilizing ADR to prevent, mitigate and resolve claims expeditiously and cost
For more than forty years, on behalf of owners, architects, engineers,
contractors, subcontractors, sureties and insurers, Mr. Feldman has participated
in the formulation, prosecution and defense of major and complex arbitration and
litigation, and their resolution through negotiation, alternative dispute
resolution, Dispute Review Boards, mediation, and arbitration. From this
involvement he has gained a unique perspective in the worlds of owners, A/E’s,
contractors and subcontractors.
He is always sensitive to the maxim, “In the resolution of disputes time is of
the essence, the numbers never get smaller.”
Mr. Feldman’s experience is that the earlier a potential claim can be recognized
documented, evaluated and resolved, the more likely a prompt and favorable
resolution can be obtained. Prompt resolution of claims in vehicles such as
Dispute Review Boards has helped him assist in expeditiously resolving claims.
Mr. Feldman has experience in the ADR continuum, Construction Management,
Project Management and other industry panaceas.
Mr. Feldman’s almost five decades of experience in the Construction industry has
given him extensive experience in identifying, analyzing and evaluating factual
and contractual issues to determine potential utility.
In such areas as Dispute Review Boards, he has helped support the parties
through the conceptual, pre-bid, bid and subsequent project stages.
Mr. Feldman founded Feldman Consulting Group in 1995 to provide consulting,
training and related services. Howard believes that although claims will never
be eliminated, most can be prevented and with prompt (Dispute Review Boards) and
other aspects of ADR can avoid the ritual mating dance of confrontation and
costly deteriorating relationships.
The sooner the dispute is addressed with a professional analysis and fact based
effort, the more cost effective the results. By providing a cleat understanding
of the parties’ respective positions and the relative merits of those positions,
he can facilitate open and candid discussions. He can bring the parties to a
better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of their positions.
Through his extensive experience he is keenly aware that in no business in the
United States is trust and cooperation of greater importance than it is in the
construction industry where good faith and teamwork are financially prudent. Mr.
Feldman is always sensitive to the maxim that in dispute resolution time is of
the essence; the numbers never get smaller.
Mr. Feldman has a JD from New York University, a Bachelor of Civil Engineering
from City College of New York and post graduate studies at Harvard in business
American Bar Association (Construction Industry, Dispute Resolution, Business
Law Sections)
America Society of Civil Engineers
American Arbitration association - Panel of Arbitrators and trained Mediator
Construction Management Association of America
Construction Industry
Howard A. Feldman is a Principal in Feldman Consulting Group, responsible for
claims prevention, mitigation and resolution services that are provided to
owners, architects, engineers and the insurance and legal communities,
worldwide. In addition, he has over 40 years of experience in varied major
construction projects throughout the United States, Europe, South American and
Mr. Feldman has been involved in the contractual and technical analysis of
construction disputes on private and public projects and has presented numerous
seminars on claims prevention, mitigation and resolution. He has been involved
in a broad spectrum of construction industry matters in almost every aspect of
construction, including public transit, mining, environmental and power
projects. Mr. Feldman has also managed claims prevention and risk management
services to brokers, underwriters and Lloyd's of London syndicates.
A primary focus of Mr. Feldman's efforts has been the creation of effective
measures to identify and avoid potential disputes, claims and litigation. In
this context, he has developed, implemented and lectured extensively on the
policies and practices of claims prevention, ADR, and project delivery systems,
with particular emphasis on problems inherent in Design/Build and Construction
Management/General Contractor systems.
As a consultant, former trial attorney and corporate counsel, Mr. Feldman has
extensive experience in the evaluation, preparation, presentation and defense of
claims, and in their resolution in mediation, arbitration and litigation. He has
in-depth experience in litigation support, directing expert testimony, document
control and trial preparation in major complex and multi-party claims and
Throughout his career, Mr. Feldman has had a continuing involvement in
liability, causation and damage issues concerning owners, contractors,
architect-engineers and construction managers.
Mr. Feldman has extensive experience in drafting, analyzing, reviewing and
negotiating contractual agreements and dispute-related documents.
Mr. Feldman has assisted fact and expert witnesses in the preparation of
testimony for deposition, trial and arbitration, and has examined such witnesses
in these forums.
Mr. Feldman has significant experience in construction management policies and
practices in a broad spectrum of public and private projects, emphasizing that
the best time to prevent problems is in the conceptual, prebid and bid stages of
a project.
facilitate the use of contract documents by field and administrative
personnel, Mr. Feldman has designed formats for their analysis and
reference, and forms for their on-site implementation.
Build – Recurring Problems" "The Professional Liability of
Architects and Engineers" "The Alternative Dispute Resolution
Continuum" "Alternatives to Construction Litigation"
"Preventing Construction Claims" "Practical Approaches for the
Prevention of Claims" "Litigation Avoidance" |
additional articles and full text seminar and training manuals on
claims and their prevention, alternative dispute resolution and
project delivery systems. |