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Donald Shelton is a managing
shareholder of Bush Rudnicki Shelton, P.C. He
has a statewide practice out of the Dallas-Fort Worth office of the firm.
Mr. Shelton concentrates his
practice in the trial and arbitration of commercial and residential construction
law disputes, first and third-party insurance defense, real estate transactions,
mechanic's lien and bond claims, commercial and residential landlord/tenant
litigation, homeowner association disputes and planning, and title insurance
defense. Mr. Shelton also devotes a
significant amount of his practice to transaction events associated with his
clients such as construction contracts, leases, liens, purchase/sales contracts,
independent contractor agreements, subcontracts, bonds, deeds, deed
restrictions, and first and third-party warranty review.
Mr. Shelton primarily represents
commercial and residential contractors, developers, insurance carriers,
third-party warranty companies, volume and custom homebuilders, remodelers,
subcontractors, engineers and architects.
Mr. Shelton is often a speaker and
writer for seminars and publications for insurance carriers and builder
associations, including insurance topics, risk management, construction industry
issues, contracts, lien law and warranties.
Currently, Mr. Shelton sits on
several committees for the Texas Association of Builders, including Contracts
Committee, Change Review Group-Express Limited Home Warranty, Legal Affairs
Committee, Codes & Standards Committee, and Attorney Counsel. Mr.
Shelton serves as general counsel for the Fort Worth Builder’s Association.
Texas Supreme Court, 1998; U.S.
District Court for the Northern District of Texas; U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth
Texas Wesleyan University School
of Law, Fort Worth, Texas, J.D., 1998
Notes & Comments Editor, Texas
Wesleyan Law Review
University of Texas at Arlington,
Arlington, Texas, B.A., with honors, 1995
Recent Awards:
2012 Associate Member of the
Year, Greater Fort Worth Builders Association
March 2012 Associate of the
Month, Greater Fort Worth Builders Association
2010 Associate of the Year,
Texas Association of Builders
Seminars and Presentations
June - Risk Management
Presentation, CBUSA, Fort Worth Division
May - Presentation on Ground
Subsidence, Case Law Update, for Bankers Insurance Group, New Orleans
February - Construction Law
Update & Practice, Texas Wesleyan University
September - Claims & Risk
Management Seminar, Sunbelt Builders Show, Austin
June - TAB Contracts and Risk
Management, Harker Heights HBA
May - Risk Management for
Contractors, Kerrvile HBA
April - Transferring Risk,
Greater Fort Worth HBA
March - TAB Contract & Risk
Management, San Antonio HBA, New Braunfels HBA & Victoria HBA
February - Codes and Standards
Committee, Contracts Committee, Legal Affairs Committee and Attorney Counsel
for TAB
January - Economic
Forecast/Continuing Education, Greater Fort Worth HBA
January - Code Changes
Continuing Education, Greater Fort Worth HBA
October - TAB Codes and
Standards Committee, Contracts Committee, Legal Affairs Committee and
Attorney Counsel for TAB
October - Contracts, Warranty,
Insurance & Closings, Dallas HBA
October - TAB Contract Update,
East Texas BA
August - Legislative Update &
Risk Management, Greater Fort Worth HBA
May - Perfecting Liens in
Texas, Greater Fort Worth HBA
February - Risk Management
Presentation, Tyler HBA
TAB Express Home Warranty
Change Review Group
Risk Transfer for
Builders/Independent Contractor Base Agreement
December - TAB Contracts
Update & Third-party Warranties, San Angelo HBA
November - Risk Management
Strategies Seminar, El Paso HBA and East Texas BA
August - Legal Strategies to
Protect You and Your Bottom Line, East Texas BA
August - TRCC and Texas
Legislative Presentation, Metro East Dallas HBA
May - Contract Language and
Post TRCC Seminar, Greater Fort Worth HBA
April - Contract Language and
Post TRCC Seminar, Greater Fort Worth HBA
February - TAB Contract Update
and Risk Management, Greater Austin HBA
January - TAB Contracts Update
Post-TRCC, Abilene - Big Country HBA
August - Mechanic’s Lien Law,
Dallas HBA
August - TRCC and Texas
Legislative Update, Dallas HBA
August - TAB Contracts
Update, Fort Worth HBA
August - TRCC and Texas
Legislative Presentation, Legacy Texas Insurance Services - Richardson
July - TRCC and Texas
Legislative Update, Fort Worth HBA
July - Builders Continuing
Education Group Seminar; TRCC Approved CE Course, San Antonio HBA
June - Builders Continuing
Education Group Seminar; TRCC Approved CE Course, Arlington
May - Contracts Class; TRCC
Update, Fort Worth HBA
April - Builders Continuing
Education Group Seminar; TRCC Approved CE Course, San Marcos
April - Comprehensive Risk
Solutions CE, TRCC Approved Course, Amarillo
April - Builders Continuing
Education Group Seminar; TRCC Approved CE Course, Houston
April - Builders Continuing
Education Group Seminar; TRCC Approved CE Course, Arlington
April - Comprehensive Risk
Solutions CE, TRCC Approved Course, Austin
April - Builders Continuing
Education Group Seminar; TRCC Approved CE Course, Beaumont
April - Builders Continuing
Education Group Seminar; TRCC Approved CE Course, Houston
April - Builders Continuing
Education Group Seminar; TRCC Approved CE Course, Arlington
March - Builders Continuing
Education Group Seminar; TRCC Approved CE Course, San Antonio
March - Comprehensive Risk
Solutions CE, TRCC Approved Course, Dallas HBA
January - Presentation
(Chapter 162, Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Theft), San Antonio HBA
October - Comprehensive Risk
Solutions CE, TRCC Approved Course, Kerrville
September - Comprehensive Risk
Solutions CE, TRCC Approved Course, Houston
August - Comprehensive Risk
Solutions CE, TRCC Approved Course, Tyler HBA
August - Comprehensive Risk
Solutions CE, TRCC Approved Course, Lufkin HBA
August - Comprehensive Risk
Solutions CE, TRCC Approved Course, San Antonio HBA
July - Comprehensive Risk
Solutions CE, TRCC Approved Course, Houston HBA
July - Comprehensive Risk
Solutions CE, TRCC Approved Course, Bryan/College Station HBA
May - NARI CE Class, Houston
December - TAB Presentation on
HB 1038, Fort Worth HBA (Parker Co.)
November - TAB Contract
Seminar, Tyler HBA
October - TAB Contract
Seminar, Fort Worth HBA
Other prior activities include:
Teaching Excellence in
Education Committee, Birdville Independent School District
Instructor, University of
Texas at Arlington
TRCC - Warranty & Performance
Standards Committee
Jury Services Committee, State
Bar of Texas
Notes & Comments Editor, Texas
Wesleyan University - School of Law
Recipient, American Indian
Scholarship in Law
Law Clerk, Tarrant County
District Courts
Golden Key International
Honour Society
International Sociology Award
- Excellence in Academics
Texas State Wrestling Champion
USA Wrestling, Licensed Coach
Organizations: Mr. Shelton is or
has been involved with the State Bar of Texas, Greater Fort Worth Builders
Association, Texas Association of Builders, Tarrant County Bar Association,
Arlington Bar Association, Hurst United Soccer Association, Northeast Youth
Basketball Association, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, Fort Worth
Airpower Council, Young Men's Christian Association, Texas School of Football.