
Charles Crumpton has been a
Attorney for 26 years and mediator and arbitrator for over 20 years appointed by
the courts, parties, their attorneys and dispute resolution organizations in
over 1000 cases involving insurance, accidents, products, business and
commercial matters, construction, employment, real estate and professional
negligence (legal, medical, real estate, construction and other professions);
resolution rate: over 95%.
Teacher of alternative dispute resolution
at Hawaii Pacific University and of civil ADR and litigation topics at seminars
and training programs in Hawaii, the mainland and other countries.
Fellow, American College of Civil Trial
Co-Chair, Hawaii State Bar Association
Alternative Dispute Resolution Section.
Committee Member, U.S. District Court for
the District of Hawaii Mediation program and U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the
District of Hawaii Mediation program.
Lawyer as Problem Solver award recipient,
Mediation Center of the Pacific, 2005.
Languages: English and Vietnamese
Areas of
Concentration: Mediation, arbitration, early neutral evaluation and
litigation of civil disputes, including torts, insurance, accidents and personal
injuries, environmental, public policy, product liability, business and
commercial matters, civil rights, employment, professional negligence,
construction and real estate matters (sales, leases, development and financing,
boundaries and encroachments and related matters). Representation of plaintiffs
and defendants and service as mediator, arbitrator, neutral fact-finder and
facilitator in the foregoing types of cases. Advice and consultation on design,
implementation and customization of dispute prevention and resolution programs
and training.
- 1985 to 1993:
- Director, Shareholder, Vice-President and Attorney
- Hall & Crumpton
- 733 Bishop Street, Suite 1280
- Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
- 1980 to 1985:
- Associate and Attorney
- Ashford & Wriston
- 1099 Alakea Street, Suite 1400
- Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
1978 to 1980:
Associate and Attorney
Edmunds, Hall & Weinberg
841 Bishop Street, Suite 2104
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813-
- 1977 to
Law Clerk
Edmunds, Hall & Weinberg
841 Bishop Street, Suite 2104
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
- 1976 to 1977:
- Law Clerk, Trecker &
- 820 Mililani Street,
Suite 710
- Honolulu, Hawaii
- 1976:
- Court Counselor,
Honolulu District Court
- Honolulu, Hawaii
- 1972 to 1973 and
1975 to 1976:
- Teacher of English as
a Foreign Language
- Kaimuki School,
State of Hawaii Department of Education
- 1970 to 1971 and
Teacher (1970-71) and Fulbright Professor (1973-75) of English
- 1973 to 1975:
Language, Literature and History
- Can Tho University
- Can Tho, Viet Nam
- 1968 to 1970:
- English teacher with International Voluntary
Services; Cuong De High School and the Teachers' College, Qui Nhon, Viet Nam
Over 21 years experience as a mediator and
arbitrator; selected by Google’s Best of U.S. as one of the best arbitrators in
Hawaii and the U.S.; selected by The Best Lawyers in America peer survey as one
of the Best Lawyers in America in Alternative Dispute Resolution; recipient of
2005 Mediation Center of the Pacific Lawyer as Problem Solver Award; arbitrator
and mediator by private and court appointment and for the American Arbitration
Association, Dispute Prevention & Resolution, Inc.; the Hawaii State Judiciary
Court-Annexed Arbitration Program and Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution
and others; primarily in the fields of torts, insurance, accidents and personal
injuries, land use/environmental, public policy, product liability, business and
commercial matters, civil rights, employment, professional negligence,
construction and real estate matters. Faculty teaching negotiations,
mediation and arbitration at Hawaii Pacific University since 1995 and at various
seminars and conferences on alternative dispute resolution and litigation
subjects in Hawaii, the mainland U.S. and internationally since 1993.
Advice and consultation on the design, implementation and customization of
dispute prevention and resolution programs and training since 1993. Over
400 hours of alternative dispute resolution training in Hawaii, the mainland
U.S. and internationally.
- 1978 - State of Hawaii
- 1978 - United States District Court for
the District of Hawaii
- 1982 - United States Ninth Circuit Court
of Appeals
- Selected as one of the best arbitrators in Hawaii and
the U.S. by Google’s Best of U.S.www.bestofus.com
Selected as one of the Best Lawyers in America in
Alternative Dispute Resolution, 2005;
Selected by the Mediation Center of the Pacific as
recipient of the Lawyer as Problem Solver Award, 2005
Mediator/Arbitrator, by private and court appointment,
1985 to present
Mediator/Arbitrator, American Arbitration Association,
1988 to present
Mediator/Arbitrator, Dispute Prevention &
Resolution, Inc., 1994 to present
Panel Chair, Hawaii State Medical Claim Conciliation
Panel, 2001 to present
Arbitrator, Hawaii State Judiciary Court-Annexed
Arbitration Program, 1985 to present
Mediator/Facilitator, Hawaii State Center for Alternative
Dispute Resolution, 1993 to present
Mediator/Arbitrator, Hawaii State Bar Association
Attorney-Client Relations Committee, 1989 to present;
Member, Judicial Administration Committee, 1993-2002
Fellow, American College of Civil Trial Mediators, 2000
to present
President/Director, International Law Foundation, 1996 to
Director, Viet Nam-American Chamber of Commerce of
Hawaii, 1997 to present
Member, Association for Conflict Resolution, 1996 to
Chair, Hawaii State Bar Association, Section on
Alternative Dispute Resolution, 1996-present; Member, Hawaii State Bar
Association, 1978-present, Section on International Law, Judicial
Administration Committee, Bench-Bar Conference
Member, Court Mediation Program Committee, U.S. District
Court for the District of Hawaii, 2003 to present
Co-Chair, American Bar Association Section on Dispute
Resolution’s International Committee’s International Training and Technical
Assistance Committee, 2002 to present
Member, American Bar Association (Sections on Litigation,
Alternative Dispute Resolution and Torts and Insurance Practice), 1978 to
Member, Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA), 1993 to
Member, American Trial Lawyers Association, 1978 to
J.D. Degree, William S.
Richardson School of Law, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1978
M.A. Degree (English Literature), University of Hawaii, 1974
B.A. Degree (English Literature), Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota, 1968
Over 400 hours of mediation and arbitration training courses, 1988 to the
present, administered by the American Bar Association’s Dispute Resolution
Section, Pepperdine University Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, American
Arbitration Association, the Asia Pacific Center, The Hawaii State Court-Annexed
Arbitration Program and others.
Viet Namese